Gift idea #1: homemade chocolate truffles

I think every single one of you (including myself) has been desperate for finding a good present at least once already. That’s why I am doing a little series with homemade gift ideas you can easily make yourself. I love making things myself and giving them away as a gift as I feel it’s a very personal way of showing someone your love. Gifts don’t have to be expansive or big – the thought already counts and spending some of your time for making one is showing the love already. So, as I first gift idea I’d like to introduce these little, melty chocolate truffles to you.

Geschenkidee Schokopralinen

I did not only make the truffles myself but also the box. I used a German website with instructions for this but I am pretty sure that if you google it you eventually will find a good instruction in English, too.

Geschenkidee zum Selbermachen

Variations – get creative!

In this variation I made chocolate truffles but of course you can adjust this recipe to your desires. One idea could be to add a bit of rum aroma or cinnamon for a different taste. As a little surprise you could also put a whole hazelnut into each of the truffles or use shredded coconuts instead of ground hazelnuts.

For the coating I simple rolled the truffles in a coconut-nut-mixture, cinnamon and hemp seeds. As alternative you could also make a chocolate coating: simple melt dark chocolate, dip the truffles into it and let cool down on a tray or plate.

These truffles are not only a perfect gift for a birthday or Christmas but also for you loved ones on valentines day.

Geschenkidee Valentinstag Pralinen Selbermachen

The truffles are:

  • Super chocolatey
  • Easy to make
  • made without baking
  • so good you won’t want to give them away


Ideal zum Verschenken oder als kleiner Snack zwischendurch. 
Servings 18 Pralinen
Author Tanith Schmelzeisen


  • 150 ml Kokosöl nativ
  • 160 g Dattelsirup*
  • 1/4 TL gemahlene Vanille
  • 60 g Kakaopulver stark entölt
  • 40 g gemahlene Haselnüsse**

Für die Ummantelung

  • 3 EL Hanfsamen
  • 3 EL Kokosraspeln und gehackte Mandeln gemischt
  • 1 EL Zimt


  • Das Kokosöl in einem kleinen Topf schmelzen und Sirup und Vanille einrühren.
  • In einer Schale die Öl-Mischung mit dem Kakao und den Haselnüssen gut vermengen.
  • Die Schale ca. 30 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen, sodass die Masse etwas fester wird. 
  • Aus der Masse mit den Händen Bällchen formen und in den Zutaten für die Ummantelung rollen. Im Kühlschrank lagern.


* Wer möchte, kann auch Agavendicksaft verwenden, davon würde ich allerdings nur ca. 120-140g nehmen.
** Anstatt gemahlener Haselnüsse können z.B. auch gemahlene Mandeln und Kokosraspeln zum Einsatz kommen.
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