DIY Yoga Matt Spray

We sweat on it, experience highs and lows, breathe through and in our bodies, get overwhelmed by emotions or let out all of our frustrations – I am talking about the yoga matt. For me it’s been such an important companion for the past years and I couldn’t imagine my daily life without it. Thus it is even more important to keep the yoga matt clean. In this blog post you’ll find instructions on how to make your very own yoga matt spray!

Yoga Matten Spray

Cleaning and caring

This yoga matt spray is ideal for the regular cleaning of your yoga matt. Buying the ingredients might be a bit costly at first, especially the oils are not cheap. But thinking long-term, you will definitely save money since all ingredients can be used to recreate the spray again and again. When you buy a pre-made yoga matt spray it will be quite expensive – so why not make it yourself?

How the oils work

The tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect in this recipe. It helps to remove germs and bacteria from your matt and keep it clean. The lavender oil is for the good and calming smell. Of course you could also use a different kind of essential oil such as bergamot or rose oil.

This spray is…

  • free of chemicals
  • compatible for any yoga matt
  • cleansing
  • easy to apply
  • made within 2 minutes

Which matt should you buy?

In case you always wanted to start practicing yoga, feel free to read my blog post about how you can start. Maybe you don’t even own a yoga matt yet. In case you really want to commit to a yoga practice, I can recommend investing in a good yoga matt from the beginning. Most of the cheap matts have a bad smell and are slippery (especially in downward dog this is really annoying). Eventually you’ll be so annoyed that you decide to buy a new one – this could have been done in the first place.

In case you give the spray a try, feel free to leave me a feedback. I always love reading your comments 🙂

DIY Yoga Matt Spray

Author: Tanith Schmelzeisen


  • 100 ml destilled water
  • 1 tbs apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbs rose water optional
  • 8 drops tea tree oil
  • 8 drops lavender oil or any other essential oil of choice


  • Fill all ingredients in a suitable flask and give it a shake.
  • When using evenly spray the matt with your matt spray and wipe it down with a soft rag.
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5 years ago

Ich habe kürzlich, nachdem ich meine Matte auf einer größeren Reise dabei hatte, auch endlich mal ein ‘richtiges’ Spray gemacht (statt feuchte Handtüchter zu benutzen). Bin wirklich glücklich damit, zuerst war der Apfelessig ein bisschen zu stark für mich, aber ich habe so viel Orangen- und Zitronengrasöl rein, dass der Geruch nicht mehr so stark ist und eh bald verfliegt 🙂 Als nächstes probier ich es mal mit deinem Rezept aus, weil das was ich benutzt habe, hat Wasser und Essig im Verhältnis 1:3 verwendet – deins ist ja stärker verdünnt. Eine kleine Anmerkung hab ich – ich weiß, das… Read more »
