Crunchy Cliff Bar | No-Bake

As promised here comes the recipe for my clif bar Imitation. These bars literally can be made in 5 minutes and don’t even need to be baked to taste super delicious. It’s the perfect afternoon or pre-/post-workout snack and anyone could make them – they are absolutely fool-proof!

This recipe wasn’t even planned. This is actually how I create most of my recipe. I suddenly feel the need to get creative in the kitchen in the evening and just throw together some ingredients. With all the exercise I had the past years I am glad to say that most of the time my experiments turn out well but it used to be different. I still remember some terribly failed baking experiments which I didn’t want to through away and tried to eat… but that’s a different story.

Usually I go for brownies or banana bread when I have my late night baking sessions but this time I was too lazy to watch the oven. So I decided to try and create some kind of no-bake snack which is not frozen or a bliss ball. And these bars were the result!

I’ve made muesli bars several times already and found out that puffed cereal usually gives snack bars a really nice crunch. In this case I used puffed soy crispies but puffed rice or quinoa should work as well. To make everything stick together I used peanut butter. When I say peanut butter I don’t mean the one with oil, sugar and salt in it. I mean 100% pure peanut goodness either smooth or crunchy.

These bars are therefore ideal for everyone who:

  • doesn’t like to bake
  • who loves clif bars and would literally eat them for every meal if possible
  • needs a snack in-between meals
  • wants to try something new

Bar Variation

Furthermore I thought of some little twists you could make to change the taste of the bars a bit and might help you to adjust it to your individual preferences…

  • Version 1: chopped walnuts, raisins and cinnamon
  • Variation 2: hazelnut butter and cacao nibs
  • Option 3: chopped dates and cashew butter

Let me know in the comments if you tried and what your favorite version is 🙂

Easy Vegan Bars

Looking for a no-bake snack? These bars won't disappoint you.
Author Tanith Schmelzeisen


  • 60 g soy crispies *
  • 40 g rolled oats
  • 70 g vegan chocolate**
  • 2 tbs coconut mousse
  • 40 g maple syrup or any other liquid sweetener
  • 1 tbs peanut butter
  • a pinch of ground vanilla


  • Mix oats, crispies and vanilla in a bowl.
  • Melt the chocolate.
  • In a bowl combine all the ingredients and mix well.
  • Line some kind of baking tin with parchment paper and press the mixture evenly into the form. Set in the fridge for a few hours. Carefully cut into bars or squares afterwards.


*You can substitute the soy crispies with any other puffed cereal or puffed rice.
** I used vegan chocolate only sweetened with coconut palm sugar.
*** You can replace the peanut butter with any other kind of nut or seed butter.
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7 years ago

Das sieht verdammt lecker aus! Ich liebe Cliff-bars und könnte die Dinger immerzu essen, aber leider sind die nicht grade günstig… ich werd dein Rezept auf jeden Fall mal ausprobieren. 🙂

7 years ago

Juhuuu, ich freue mich schon so arg aufs Ausprobieren! Ich liebe Clifbars und wenn ich nicht so auf mein Geld achten würde, würde ich mich 24/7 von den Dingern ernähren (mal abgesehen davon, dass es nicht sehr ausgewogen wäre ^^) ♥

Liebe Grüße und danke fürs Rezept

7 years ago

Du hast hier wirklich einige gute Punkte genannt! Sehr informativ, vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag! 🙂

5 years ago

Die sehen ja super lecker aus! Wie viele Riegel ergeben sich denn ungefähr aus dem Rezept?
