Muesli Bars

Snacks are always good! I personally never survive without them, whether it is between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. I always need something to keep me going between the main meals. If you go to the supermarket you will find loads of different muesli bars and although many of them don’t contain milk products most of them do contain honey. That’s why making them yourself is definitely worth a try!

Muesli bars

I don’t know how it is with you guys but if I don’t snack I tend to overeat myself at lunch or dinner. In general I’m very bad at stopping when I’m full. Just as an example: I would cook dinner and make an extra big portion so I’d have something to eat the next day but instead of keeping food for lunch the next day I’d eat the whole portion no matter how big it is haha. I don’t care about the calories, I honestly don’t do, it’s more about the principle. But I’m working on it and I will learn to stop when I’m full sometime!

Now back to the muesli bars. I used a muesli mixture consisting of oats, barley flakes, rye flakes, sunflower seeds, spelt flakes, linseeds, sesame, puffed amaranth and pumpkin seeds. You could either buy a mixture or mix it yourself, whatever is best for you.

Muesli bars

Of course not everyone likes raisins that much so feel free to substitute them with chopped up dates, dried apricots or cranberries. The bars are super easy to make and taste delicious. When my brother was here to visit me he ate almost all of them 🙂

Muesli barsMuesli bars

Muesli Bars

If adult or child - everyone loves muesli bars! You can avoid unnecessary sugars by just making them yourself. Here is the recipe for simple yet delicious bars.
Servings 8 bars
Author Tanith Schmelzeisen


  • 200 g muesli
  • 100 g raising or other dried fruit
  • 50 g almond butter or peanut butter
  • 2 small bananas approx. 130g
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 50 g rice syrup


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Mix muesli, cinnamon and raisins in a bowl.
  • Mash the bananas with a fork and add it to the muesli mixture.
  • Also add the rice syrup and almond butter and give everything a good stir. Easier option is to mix with your hands.
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper, then form bars with your hands and place them on the tray.
  • Bake for approx. 25 minutes, remove from the oven and let them cool down for a bit.


You can easily make the muesli mixture yourself by combining your favorite grains and seeds e.g. oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and linseeds.

Muesli barsMuesli bars Muesli bars

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7 years ago

Wow, die sehen ja echt lecker aus!
Meinst du man kann den Reissirup durch Ahornsirup ersetzten?

Liebe Grüsse

7 years ago
Reply to  veg.fruitia

Jaa denke schon! 🙂

[…] habe schon ein paar Mal Riegel gemacht, z.B. diese Müsliriegel, und für mich herausgefunden, dass gepufftes Getreide oder Soja einfach immer super darin […]

[…] nicht so sehr nach Keksen ist, der sollte übrigens unbedingt mal meine Müsliriegel […]

5 years ago

Das Rezept ist wirklich super! Ich habe es bestimmt schon 10x gemacht und jedes Mal ein Erfolg.
Danke dir!

4 years ago

sooo lecker !! danke für das Rezept, werde es mir ab jetzt öfter machen :))
