Here is a type of recipe which shouldn’t be missing on a good food blog – pancakes! Of course not everyone has to have protein pancakes but taste-wise they are absolutely delicious and if you workout you can never go wrong with some protein.
I made this recipe with the lovely Annelina from @food_without_regrets . During my time in Berlin I lived with her and we had the best time also food-wise of course. Especially bowls were our biggest obsession <3 it would be nothing special to see us jumping around some plates on the balcony trying to get a good picture 😀
One fact about me: I am a big pancake lover. While others have pancakes once a week on #pancakesunday I often eat them several times a week. A few years ago I associated pancakes with an unhealthy dish – but that’s a mistake. You could easily have these pancakes for breakfast every day and it wouldn’t be bad for you.
In the end all that matters are which ingredients you use. These pancakes are:
- vegan
- without refined sugar
- fluffy
- wholegrain
What you definitely need for a pancake breakfast are some kind of sauce and toppings. I really enjoy simply having apple puree and cinnamon with them but you can definitely also go for the fancy version. For all the peanut lovers out there this is the perfect sauce.
Peanut flour is perfect for this kind of purpose. In comparison to peanut butter it contains only little fat and is not as sandy as you might know it from rice protein. If you can’t find any peanut flour though (it’s probably the easiest way to order it online) you can substitute it with peanut butter.
A quick teaser for all of you who have never tried lupine protein: it’s slightly sweet and therefore is perfect for dishes like this one. Lupine is a great alternative to soy and contains all essential amino acids in a good ratio. I tried lupine flour for baking several times and noticed that it makes the dough quite fluffy as well. Nevertheless you shouldn’t use too much of it as it colors everything yellow.
As always I love to read your comments and feedback in case you try the recipe – enjoy!
Lupine Protein Pancakes with Peanut-Chocolate Drizzle
- 150 g oats
- 100 g einkorn wheat flour*
- 30 g lupine protein
- 10 g chia seeds
- 40 g birch sugar or any other preferred sweetener
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 450 ml water or plant based milk
For the peanut chocolate drizzle
- 2 tbs peanut flour
- 1 tbs cacao powder
- 1 tbs birch sugar
- 2 tbs coconut cream
- 50 ml warm water
- Blend or ground the oats into a flour.
- In a bowl combine all the dry ingredients and stir.
- Pour in the water/milk and whisk until well combined. Let the batter sit for 5-10 minutes and stir again to remove any clumps.
- In the meantime, prepare the drizzle: simply mix peanut flour, cacao and birch sugar in a small bowl and stir in coconut cream and warm water. Set the drizzle aside. Tip: peanut flour tends to soak up a lot of liquid so you might need to add more water later.
- In a pan bake the pancakes until golden from both sides using coconut oil.
- Layer with banana coins and serve with your favorite toppings and the chocolate-peanut-drizzle.
[…] zu meinen absoluten Favoriten gehört. Meistens setze ich es in meinem Bananeneis oder Pancakes ein, ab und zu findet es aber auch beim Backen seine Verwendung. Für diese Blondies habe ich das […]
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